ADHD Testing and Educational Evaluations
Psychological testing involves completing tasks and answering questions that measure important cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, problem-solving, language skills, and overall ability. These tests help identify a person’s cognitive strengths as well as areas where they may need extra support. The process is standardized to give a well-rounded picture of individuals' abilities.
At the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Center of Hawaii, we provide a caring and supportive environment for psychological assessments for both children and adults. Our experienced team takes the time to ensure that all tests are conducted carefully, fairly, and with respect for each individual. After the assessment, we explain the results clearly while offering thoughtful recommendations to help each person succeed and reach their potential.

ADHD Testing
This evaluation requires five hours of testing spread over two or more sessions to determine whether the individual has diagnosable attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. At the conclusion of the evaluation, a full-length report with scores, diagnoses and recommendations will be provided.
For children, the testing also typically includes an anonymous clinical classroom observation, and parents and teachers will be asked to complete brief paper-and-pencil measures regarding the child’s functioning. For adults, an individual familiar with the individual’s functioning (such as a spouse, significant other, or parent) will be asked to complete a brief questionnaire.

Learning Disability Evaluation
This seven-hour examination, spread out over two sessions, is used to diagnose reading disorders, dyslexia, dysgraphia, processing speed disorders, fluency disorders, math disorders and others. This evaluation includes a full-length written report.

Intelligence (IQ) Testing
The service includes two hours of testing, a written clinical report, and a feedback session. This testing is adequate for giftedness evaluations and some selective school admissions.
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